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Costock Village in Nottinghamshire

History of Costock

CORTINGTOCHE (Domesday Book 1086)





CORTLINGSTOCKE ( Palimentary commissioners in 1650)

The meaning according to Elbert Elkwell "Corts place or farmstead"

(The personal name "Short" meant "Short" in Anglo Saxon

A Brief History

The Normans conquered England in 1066 and compiled a sort of Income Tax return Domesday Book in about 1086. At that time several manors in Costock were held by Saxon thanes Gordic and Algar.

The first Norman lords were Roger and Ralph de Birun (later Byron), the de Birons took the title de- Cortinstock. Robert de Biron gave the churches at Costock and Rempstone to Lenton Priory who held them until it was disolved in about 1540.

The information below was kindly supplied by the Victorian County History. Lots of excellent information. Could you please email me or Phillip on the web page if you could supply any more information.

Church History Costock History
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Doomsday Reloaded

A very interesting link to a BBC Domesday Reload site giving childrens comments on village life in 1985